Jordan DanielsComment

Me Time (5/1/17)

Jordan DanielsComment
Me Time (5/1/17)

Being a twenty-something is ever interesting because we’re in this odd landscape between unknown and established. We’re at the stage where we can finally begin making a name for ourselves, but only have before our 30’s to do it because that’s the age where we should have our lives together.

It’s a great idea in theory, but execution is not the best, especially when we don’t take time for self-care.

With graduation coming up in a little over a week, I’m spending a lot of time reflecting on the past while thinking about the future. But, I get overwhelmed easily and that’s put me in a weird funk. To get myself out of it I decided to spend the day acquainting myself more with Downtown Long Beach. I’ve lived here for over a year, I should know more about this place.


I began my day walking along the entire coastline off Ocean Blvd., which I believe is about a mile and a half long. I originally thought I’d go to the gym but I realized that I didn’t want to be inside and around people I may know. I wanted to be outside, experience fresh air and a different perspective.

I put on shorts, a t-shirt and running shoes (an ensemble I don’t wear often) and took on that walk like a champ. I used to be so insecure with my thighs because they jiggle and my shorts always show them, but today I didn’t pay it much mind – I’m getting into a head space where I embrace my body as opposed to hiding it, especially since it literally isn’t a body that can be easily hidden. When I got back from my walk, I changed into jeans and a tank-top (another feat because it’s taken me a long time to feel comfortable to wear a tank top in public without a shirt over it covering my arms and my chest…but that can be a later discussion.

There’s a park with a lighthouse downtown that I’ve always wanted to see, but never know how to access it. Seeing this as my opportunity to see it, I decided to head to DTLB and explore a little bit. I’m proud of myself here because I parked inland of downtown ($5 flat rate for all day umm YASS) so I walked a few miles to get from there to the park, and then a few miles back of course. I haven’t walked like that in awhile and it felt amazing to be out like this today. I got to the park and took pictures of course, falling more in love with Long Beach with everyone minute that passed.


I saw dates, I saw prom pictures, I saw children playing with each other and I saw people who were just there to relax. It was beautiful, communal, and I’m so happy that I was able to feel a part of that. I know it’s weird to see how this translates into self-care, but the simple fact that I was able to have a day to myself and literally just do what I felt drawn to do, felt amazing. I’m a planner, so to just drive for the day was such a feeling of expression that I feel like I’ve been lacking for awhile.

Today was self-care because I listened to myself and lived for myself. I have a good relationship with Jordan, but these past weeks I’ve put myself on the back-burner and today was the perfect day to refocus and recent. Thank you, Jordan, for caring for YOU today.